Double River 2019 Exercise

Motta di Livenza 22 March 2019


Yesterday, the Minister of Defense met the staff of the Multinational CIMIC Group in Motta di Livenza, attending the “Double River 2019” exercise that will end tomorrow, March 22nd.

The "Double River" is the major military exercise put in place by the Multinational CIMIC Group during the year 2019. The purpose of the exercise is to test and assess the skills of the staff of the Multinational Command and the Italian, Portuguese and CIMIC Units. Hungarians assigned to it for the activity.


"The Multinational CIMIC Group is the only training center for the CIMIC function in the Defense field, and if today it has become a real point of reference at national and NATO level it is due to the very high competence and professionalism of the staff who work there ". This, the first declaration of the Minister of Defense, Elisabetta Trenta, in greeting the present contingents.


During the exercise, through the computerized simulation (Command Post Exercise - CPX) a scenario was reproduced, complex and adherent to modern operational contexts, centered on a crisis situation between fictitious states, for which the intervention of the 'Atlantic Alliance, in which the Multinational CIMIC Group operates, responding to the growing challenges of the symmetrical and hybrid threat. In addition to computer simulation, the exercise also took place on the ground (LIVEX) where the CIMIC units (Italian, Portuguese and Hungarian) interacted with the civil counterpart represented by Governmental, Non-Governmental Organizations and the reality of the Opitergini community Motta. “Today we know that it is necessary to interact with all the civil actors involved in the conflict, from local authorities to international organizations, from governmental and non-governmental organizations to the media, in order to have the best possible level of knowledge and for a constant evaluation of the social environment culture in which one operates ”. Finally, in his speech, the Minister recalled the results obtained in recent years in various theaters, including Kosovo, Lebanon, Somalia, Djibouti, Afghanistan and also within the European EUNAVFORMED mission.


In addition, the "Double River 2019" was attended by units, specialists, experts and mentors from different countries (France, Greece, Italy, Norway, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Hungary, Turkey) and international NATO commands, among which SHAPE, the Allied Command of the Joint Force of Brunssum (JFC Brunssum), the Allied Command of the Joint Force of Naples (JFC Naples).


In the course of the exercise, in addition to the aforementioned activities, the concept of Remote CIMIC Support, already tested last year, has been refined, namely the ability to support CIMIC units, used in military operations, by the Motherland. This support is realized, through the advice that the Subject Matter Experts - Functional Specialists such as engineers, architects, doctors and other sector professionals - provide to CIMIC operators, employed in crisis areas, for the development of projects in favor of populations where the units are employed. During the DORR 19, the Remote CIMIC Support is provided by Functional Specialists sent by the Slovenian Ministry of Defense. A team of operators provides the complex system of computer communications that allows the interaction of the numerous components of the exercise from the 7th Army Transmissions Regiment of Sacile. The 5th AVES RIGEL regiment, on the other hand, provides rotary-wing arrangements for transporting the Italian CIMIC Unit.


The Multinational CIMIC Group, which includes, among the contributing nations, besides Italy, Greece, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia and Hungary, today represents a real pole of excellence for the training of operators who work in the delicate area of civil-military cooperation. To date, about 1,700 Italian and foreign civil and military visitors have passed through the stalls of the "Mario Fiore" barracks, testifying to a high level educational offer, responding to the needs of those who face the changing challenges of today operational scenarios.


Source: Multinational CIMIC Group


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