Ringraziamenti lockdown1


Motta di Livenza, June 25, 2020.

The city of Motta di Livenza and all its citizens, through the words of the Mayor, thanked the Multinational CIMIC Group (MNCG), and other operational realities of the territory that worked incessantly and in great synergy during the quarantine period due to the coVID-19 epidemic.

"... Realities that affect the world of volunteering, law enforcement and armed forces, health, school and social, have made a joint effort, as in one large family, working in the sole goal of safeguarding the citizen..." This is how Alessandro Righi, first citizen of the town, began his speech during the thanksgiving evening dedicated to the main actors of the lockdown period.

Piazza Luzzatti, the heart Motta di Livenza, welcomed representatives of the institutions, associations, the world of health and the military, coming together in a single big virtual embrace: a strong gesture of the municipality to pay tribute to those who worked for the safety and health of citizens. Colonel Luca Vitali, Commander of the Regiment, as representative of all the men and women belonging to the Multinational CIMIC Group, thanked for the tribute given to the unit and wanted to highlight the intense and fruitful collaboration between the MNCG and the municipal administration as well as with other local authorities and associations.

The Multinational CIMIC Group had been working from the first moments of the emergency, preparing logistical structures ready to move in a very short period of time, contributing with means and materials to support soldiers engaged in the transport of the bodies in the hardest moments, guaranteeing to the civil protection trucks for any eventuality, organizing an extraordinary donation of blood in coordination with the blood volunteers association of Motta of Livenza and, finally, sending medical personnel to one of the Italian areas most affected by the pandemic, Piemonte, in the COVID Department (Internal Medicine) of the Hospital of Salluzzo (Cuneo).


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