Cimic projects in kosovo


Multinational CIMIC Group Operators work for promoting health and culture in the Balkan region.

Peje (Kosovo), 2020, January 22. 

After the re-opening of the schools for the winter holidays, the Regional Command West (RC-W) with the support of its CIMIC team, performed the donations of physics instruments to interethnic school “Gezim Hamza Piktori” of Orahovac, to implement and modernize the school’s physics laboratory.

Approximately 450 students of all ethnicity and religions attended the event; immediately after the donation pupils, exited by the new tools, made same physics experiments with the new equipment under the direction of the physic teacher.

In the same day, another CIMIC donation of two ECG machines was completed in favor of the local health center.

The ECG machines are part of a program of the health center’s renovation to improve the capabilities of the sanitarian personnel and the skills of the local university students of nursing.

Several local authorities and politicians participated to the donations, among them the Director of Instruction and Sanitation.

Infrastructures, health and Instruction are the pillars of the CIMIC mission in Kosovo. All projects are developed in close coordination with the local institution, with the aim to contribute in developing the region socio-economic environment.


Source: Multinational CIMIC Group


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